Monday, April 23, 2012

A is for Airplane

Alright, I know that airplane is a pretty general topic to cover in aviation but it still is a good place to start.  The airplane was first made and flown by the Wright Brothers in 1903.  The flight was short, it only covered 120 feet and lasted for only 12 seconds.  This does not sound like an amazing feat, but it was.  Without the Wright Brothers flight, life would be dramatically different today.  This first flight sparked a frenzy in the new aviation industry.  Leading to many new advances in technology and making the planet a much smaller place.  Within the last 100 years, the airplane has evolved from this:

To this:

Or this:
Boeing 747

We went from building airplanes from bicycle parts to developing jet engines. An amazing growth and evolution has taken place the past 100 years to utilize aviation as an everyday item.  Think about how aviation has changed your life.  Everything from global overnight shipping to your next vacation all use an airplane.  Without the knowledge we've learned from airplanes, humans would have never stepped foot on the moon!  Imagine where we will be in the next 100 years!  And that's the reason I started with airplane as my topic, to try to get you to think about how aviation has positively impacted your life.  I hope that now you understand why I have such a passion for aviation, and I hope I've at least sparked an interest in aviation in you.

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