Tuesday, May 1, 2012

B is for the B-2 Spirit

The B-2 Spirit is the most advanced bomber in The United States inventory.  Each plane alone cost $737 Million dollars (1.07 Billion today with inflation).  The United states currently owns 21 B-2's and are always prepared to strike anywhere in the world.

Thanks to the "in-air refueling" capability, the B-2 is able to strike anywhere in the world.  Missions can be launched from an Air Force base here in the United States and attack Afghanistan then turn around and come back home.


Due to the B-2's stealth design, the aircraft is able to fly into enemy airspace unnoticed, drop its deadly payload and fly out to safety without alerting the enemy of its presents.

The B-2 has a very large and very destructive bomb bay.  In this particular photo, the B-2 is dropping 47 500 Lbs bombs, which is only half of what this plane payload actually is.  Imagine seeing this fly overhead:

You'd be scared right?  Well you shouldn't worry, because this beast is on our side.

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