Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First blog

So I'm Tyler Anderson.  In this blog, I will probably be going over big news stories.  Along with the link to the story, I will give a summery along with my opinion on the matter.  Sometimes, I will throw up some videos/pictures and comment on those as well.  It all depends on how I am feeling, or if a particular story affects me.

Alright, well you have to realize that I'm doing this for a class, and with this class, there are assignments.  So this first assignment consists of these 2 questions:
a. How do you connect to the world through the internet?
b. If you could take your blog in any direction, what would it be? Why? 

Okay, so for question 'a', I connect to the world via the internet many different ways.  I stay up to date on the news and trending topics from Youtube, yahoo news, BBC news, as well as a whole bunch of places I may stumble upon.  To keep in contact with my friends, I have a facebook, and every once in awhile, I jump on twitter.  

For question 'b', I believe I have already answered that in my first paragraph, but I guess I could add a little more.  So I am a pretty opinionated guy, I don't care for B.S. and I like to stay current with the things going on around me.  Politics and religion get me going on a rant.  Whether it be stupid stuff going on in D.C., or actions of extremists (from ALL religions, Tyler doesn't discriminate.  By the way, I am an atheist.)

So yeah, lets see how this goes.

Tyler Anderson

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