Tuesday, October 4, 2011

So called "Job Creators"

So we all have heard by now what the Republicans are calling the rich, "Job Creators".  To some extent, this is true, obviously, the business owners hire people, but how many jobs were created recently by these "Job Creators"?  The Republicans are saying themselves that Obama has not created any jobs... I'm sorry, I thought the rich were suppose to be the ones creating the jobs in America?  By saying Obama has not created any jobs is also saying your beloved Job Creators are not creating any jobs.  Also, Obama's plan will raise taxes on the rich to Clinton like levels...  Do you remember what happened under Clinton's administration?  The economy thrived and we ended up with a SURPLUS!  Granted, spending has greatly increased since the Clinton Administration, but was that Obama?  I think not.  So far, the Bush tax cuts totaled roughly 2.8 trillion dollars, this is a large sum of money lost due to the Bush tax cuts.  On top of cutting taxes, Bush brought us into 2 very costly wars, which are still dragging on.  Now I am not saying the hole we are in today is all or mostly Bush's fault, but you have to admit Obama was giving a massive problem to fix, and later received a Republican majority in the House that is unwilling to compromise. 

The Republicans want nothing but spending cuts, whereas the Democrats want a more balanced approach to lower the deficit.  The Republicans have a valid point though, we do need to drastically cut spending in some areas.  We cannot sustain borrowing 40 cents per dollar, this makes us weak, and a strong military can do nothing when we cannot afford to move them.  I am still against all cuts and no new taxes though.  Republicans like to say "We don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem" and this is true but we have spent ourselves into a very large hole.  The only way to get out is to pay it off.  It would be much quicker if we raised taxes slightly to pay this off.  Although, if we are going to raise taxes, it should be followed by major spending cuts too.  Things like the Military, Medicare,and foreign aid (to other hostile governments, not people in need).

Please comment your ideas.  Whether you agree or disagree, I would like to know your view.

Anyway, that's all I have to say.

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